The Tours!

So This Happened:

     I  returned from South America in early August, 2019. I visited Peru and Chile once again, wrestling and hosting training seminars. For the first time I was able to bring an assistant with me. This allowed me to extend myself a little more but it also increased the costs, naturally. This showed me how effective a team would be on the next go round.

My next trip was back to Peru to participate in the GLL Peru  and Gladiadores events. I was able to also participate in traing at thier wrestling schools along with performing in the events. Do to lack of funding, I traveled with $20 in my pocket. I want to send a big thanks to Spirit Gymnastics in St. Paul Minnesota for donating a large amount mid trip, saving me from impending disaster as my personal funds drew to zero! I also would like to thank those of you who opened their homes to me and fed me in my time of need.

     While the state of wrestling in this area of the world is rapidly improving, there is still so much work to be done. The quality of wrestling is up, but there is never enough money to go around an help fund new projects and ideas. This time around, the tour was planned over a year in advance and almost entirely self funded, out of my own pocket. Most professionals would scoff at the idea of flying yourself and working for free....

But that is because our goals are different. Most view wrestling as merely a business nothing more. They want to take. I am here to build. And that takes sacrifice. The issue is sustainability, of course. In reality, I spent all I had to make this tour happen, and returned with nothing, financially speaking. So many aspects of the trip went way better than we could have dreamed of. But there must be a way to increase the frequency, efficiency, and effectiveness of these tours without sending my personal life into a debt spiral..

The more sales we make in the Shop, and particularly our PAREON, the more we are able to do in South America, and then the world. More FREE TRAINING for developing wrestlers. More SHOWS to increase experience for the Luchadors.  More PROMOTION for fan excitement and turnout at the events. More OPPORTUNITIES for wrestlers to make a name for themselves, And more LIFE CHANGING experiences for all those involved.

The plans for the next tour will include a traveling team of 4 individuals. 

Zenshi, my assistant, a full time camera operator and editor, and wrestling assistant for help in the seminars and shows. Each person would have multiple roles and duties on the trip, and those with adequate wrestling experience will be booked on shows abroad. The tours will be documented and content released on Patreon. Do you think you have what it takes to volunteer? Contact me here!

Expenses for the tours include Flights, lodging, food, and ground transportation.  Future Efforts include breaking new ground with debuts in new countries. 

This is the next logical step for us as we push the boundaries of Lucha Libre here in South America.


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