The Plan

The Present:

Sales form the Shop  and contributions from our PATREON will be the main way we make $$$ to fund future tours for across South America, and then the rest of the world. In the shop you will find a variety of Lucha Libre themed, and non Lucha themed items ranging from Clothing to Housewares, Jewelry, to Novelties. Themes of Zen, growth, clarity, acceptance, and personal power can be found throughout.

Because of the world wide Covid 19 Pandemic, our next tour has been postponed indefinitely. Current funds will be used for:

1. Purchasing normally expensive flights at a discount for use in the future

2. Paying for graphic design and art work for products in the store, as well as shop upkeep and fees

3. Expanding the shop to include other wrestlers effected by lack of ability to work because of the global halt in wrestling, or otherwise lost their jobs.

4. Donations to areas and cause within the wrestling community which are disproportionately effected by Covid 19



The Future:

We Can Lucha will soon expand to include a design team including traditional, graphic, and unconventional artists, a video producer/editor, and audio engineer, web master, and Copy Editor. A team will allow rapid progress on a number of projects that will help us move forward and entertain you.

Wanna help? Contact me here! 

Together we will be able to create even more one of designs that you will love! More and more wrestlers will be introduced into the fold, populating the shop with eclectic combinations of Lucha Libre, Personal Growth, and Artristy.


The Tours! -->